Monday, October 25, 2010

Now you see it, now you don't

Just a few days ago while visiting Josh Marshall's Talking Points Memo site I saw a large endorsement for Richard Hanna, who is the Rep. candidate for New York State's 24th Congressional district. The website had a large picture at the top middle of the home page, where visitors could click to support Hanna and donate to his campaign. I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised to find this endorsement. Although I am a registered democrat, I personally vote based on the candidate not just by party affiliation, and as a registered voter in the 24th district right now I am in favor of Hanna over Dem. Incumbent Michael Arcuri.

However, today when I scoped out TPM... no endorsement. I have no idea how long the link was up on the site, but it was pretty short lived. We have talked a lot about revenue streams for Indy Media websites, and this makes me wonder if the Hanna campaign was paying TPM for the advertising, or if Marshall is just in support of Hanna and chose to post the endorsement?

Either way, today I found the TPM PollTracker which I thought had a lot of good information that was well organized and easy to read. It will most likely become one of the websites I check out daily from now until November 2nd.

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